Sunday, October 26, 2008

Race in the Media on the Web

Above is a link to a blog site (powered by WordPress) where multiple revelant aspects are discussed that fall under the umbrella of Race in the Media. The tag line on the page is "a blog on race and media...and why it matters." This statement is the simplest expression of what those involved with this blog site do. The basis of this site is the discussion of the way in which race is portrayed within the media. Much like my own blog, they have entries addressing certain aspects of their topic, but the site has a much larger base. On the home page one can search through their blog entries chronologically, by category, or by entering terms into a search bar. It is evident from the categories included in their list, that many more of the blogs as of late have addressed the upcoming presidential elections. This is not surprising due to society's interest in this election because of the current economic climate and the possibility of a president of color entering the White House. This site offers much more than just one persons views. You can read the blogs of many people addressing each topic, and you can even click on a link and watch "Meet the Bloggers," a show where guests who are knowledgable about the current topic come in and have discussions with a few bloggers who have done extensive writing on the subject matter.

The most recent topic is titled, "Race in the Presidential Race." They have included work by the bloggers who will be featured on the show as well as video clips from YouTube which address the issue at hand. I found the site to be quite interesting. I read the work of multiple bloggers, and found that their thought were often well-articulated, and that they had done much research into the topic. Many of the blogs discussed the idea of whether or not there is a "Bradley Effect" at work in this election, with the majority of the blogs leaning toward a "no." Other topics that were discussed was the cantidates' exclusion of race from their main points within their campaigns, and the discussion of whether of not Sen John McCain is racist. This blog topic has been well discussed by the individual bloggers, and I feel that it represents the overall work done within the blog well. All-in-all, I found the blog to be quite informative and I admire the work that those involved have put into it.

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